
Moments of Weakness

Perhaps the most poignant moments in my military life have been the ones of weakness.

There are many, many moments of  frustration, pride, excitement...but those moments of weakness seem to come back and define me as a spouse. (At least to myself.)

Have you had those weak moments? I think we all do at one point or another. You know the one:

You're sitting in bed for the 77th night in a row...alone. That song comes on the radio again- the one about the injured soldier- and you find yourself wanting to stab the radio in frustration. Don't these people know you're alone?! Why would they play that song AGAIN?! Sometimes you think they're just trying to torture you. Deep down, you know that's not true...but it feels that way today. What if he comes home in pieces....or not at all?

If you don't suffer from times of fear and doubt every now and then, I salute you. I'd also like to know your secret. My friends and I talk about these moments every now and then (usually right after one of us has had one). Our conclusion?

These moments of weakness are sent to remind us that we are only as strong individually as we are together.

How do you handle your weak moments?

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